Casa De Luxo

quinta-feira, 25 de março de 2010

Pink & Grey girl's bedrooms a la BODIE and FOU

At the beginning of March, I wrote how I didn't like pink for little girls' bedrooms but pink for grown-ups was ok..... I'm a very reflective person....I mean 'eventually' I'm a reflective person - because really, my first call of action is to do/write things first and then eventually think about it afterwards, rather than my other half who thinks everything first and then acts/decides upon his hours of reflection (I think his way is a bit boring if you ask me :-)

So a few weeks ago, I explained that pink in girl's bedroom was my pet hate. Well it's not exactly true!
The whole Princess/Barbie themed is my pet hate. With all the cheap, flimsy plastic things that come with Barbie and her mates, this makes me feel physically sick but pink and grey, like Bonpoint plays it beautifully in their shops is a different story.

In fact, I think if you mix soft hues of pink like this beautiful Penguin wallpaper in plum (which in fact is not really plum, more like a pale pink with a drop of blueberry), or this adorable Miss Doudou poster in hues of soft pink & yellow and add touches of grey with this Ball chair, then PINK & GREY are the definitive colours to use to create a beautiful and modern pink look for your girl's bedroom be she 4 or 14 years-old!

So here my suggestions for a cool, modern pink look version BODIE and FOU
And so you know...."Pink, pink you stink!" is something our Daughter Mila keeps saying even if it is her favourite colour !

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