Casa De Luxo

terça-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2010

Une fille, un style...Jessica de Ruiter

Bon...I'll translate this for you because it was in the French Vogue...
"Jessica de Ruiter is a girl from L.A., blond hair, blue eyes, big smile and with a great fashion style sense, she looks like an actress from the seventies. She seems to have the same energy than the city she adopted seven years ago. She welcomed me (Garance Dore) with a green tea whereas I had brought a bottle of wine...LA Vs Paris? We still managed to get on very well. Fashion stylist, Jessica has a very healthy life a la mode californienne. She does yoga every day, loves essential oils and perfumes herself with Roses eau de toilette. Wearing jeans, men shirt, basic & designer pieces, she rarely goes shopping and goes through her wardrobe regularly to keep essential pieces. For her, style is a mix of elegance and smart."
Great, inspiring piece from Garance as usual from great, inspiring women.

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